
Sivin Kit
5 min readOct 15, 2023


by Sivin Kit

Invited Talks

34. “Beyond Tolerance: A Non-Western Christian Perspective on Interreligious Solidarity in the midst of Ethnoreligious Divisiveness” Paper presentation, Seminar on “The role of religion in the quest for peaceful coexistence” at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies Jointly Organised by International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia, Asia West-East Centre (Asia WE), University of Tehran, Iran, and the Cultural Centre of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in Malaysia, 15 January 2019.

33. “Philosophy and Civilization”, Panelist, Purana School Forum at the Malaysian Philosophy Festival Petaling Jaya, 29 December 2018.

32. “D.A.R.E. — Different, Authentic, Radical, Empowered”, Keynote speaker, Malaysian Christian Lawyers’ Conference 2018 at Council of Churches of Malaysia Ecumenical Centre, Petaling Jaya. 29 September 2018.

31.“Doing Theology in multifaith and multireligious Environments” Guest Lecturer, Master of Transformational Development Module at Wesley Methodist Church, KL, 21 September 2018.

30. “Religious Contributions to Borderless Sustainable Peace”, Panelist, Interfaith Forum on Sustainable Development jointly organized by — UCSI Group, The Blue Ribbon, Kairos Dialogue Network, Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia and ABIM Global Peace Mission, 20 September 2018.

29. “National Education for Peace and Harmony — Readdressing Race and Religious Extremism” Panelist, Forum organized by USCI University, KL, 27 July 2018.

28. “The Role of the Christians in the ‘New Malaysia’”, Presenter with Rev Dr Ezra Kok for the Hong Kong/Taiwan Study Group led by Prof Kung Lap Yan at Wisma Methodist, KL, 16 August 2018.

27. “Interfaith Engagement: A Christian Perspective”(Beyond Me Series), Panelist, Graduate Christian Fellowship at SSMC, 21 July 2018.

26. “Engaging Traditional Chinese Religions’ Presentation at St Paul’s Theological Centre, KL, 19 July 2018.

25. “Engaging Hinduism” Presentation at St Paul’s Theological Centre, KL, 16 July 2018.

24. “YOU in New Era of Malaysia”, Panelist in Post General Election Forum entitled with Azrul Mohd Khalid and Pastor Lee Choo organized by SIB Emerge District at SIBKL, 6 July 2018.

23. “Christian Youth and the General Election” in Post 14th General Election Forum coorganised by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Life Source Berhad and Centre for Religion and Society at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, PJ, 3 June 2018.

22. “Speaking Truth to Power: The Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day Statements of the Christian Federation of Malaysia”, Paper presentation at Asian Ecumenical Conference organized by Centre for Catholic Studies, Tao Fong Shan at Chinese University Hong Kong, 12–13 April 2018. 21. “Reading the Bible with Luther in our Respective Contexts” Co-lecturer with Prof Dr Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr (University of Jena), . Lutheran World Federation 17th International Seminar, Wittenberg, Germany, 5–16 March 2018.

20. “Interfaith Relations in the Era of Trump” Respondent to Rev Dr Tom Duke (St Paul Interfaith Network) and Rev Dr George Picket (Messiah College), organised by the Centre for Religion and Society, Council of Churches of Malaysia Ecumenical Center, 23 February 2018.

19. “Connect — Converse — Contribute”, Resource Person for Young Peacemakers UnConference organised by The Blue Ribbon Global and the Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Malaya, at the Department of Southeast Asia Studies, University Malaya, PJ, 4 February 2018.

18. “Interreligious Relations in Malaysia” Presentation for University of Agder Religion in Asia Class at Wesley Legacy Centre, KL, 22 January 2018.

17. “Living Together in Harmony from the perspective of our religious texts”, Christian-Muslim Dialogue with the Mufti of Perlis Malaysia Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, 15 September 2017.

16. “Understanding Other Religions: A Christian Perspective”, Panelist at Harmony Dialogue, Sunway University, 22 April 2017.

15. “Post-Truth World: A Malaysian Christian Response”, Panelist at Purana School, at Gerakbudaya PJ, 8 April 2017.

14. “Religious Tolerance: A Christian Perspective”, Presentation at Interreligious Round Table, Shah Village, PJ, 28 March 2017.

13. “The Global Church Landscape: A Malaysian Christian Response” Respondent to Dr Todd Johnson, coorganised by AsiaCMS and the Centre for Religion and Society, Brickfields, 22 March 2017.

12. “Being a Christian in Malaysia”, Presentation at Southeast Christian Church staff and leaders meeting, Denver, 3 March 2017

11. “The ‘Allah’ Controversy: Interreligious Relations in Malaysia”, Public Lecture organised by the Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding, Georgetown University, Washington DC. 28 February 2017.

10. “Jesus and Justice” Plenary Speaker at Live Justly seminar organised by Citizens Network for a Better Malaysia at Dream Centre, PJ. 18 February 2017.

9. “The ‘Allah’ Controversy: A Christian minority perspective in Malaysia” Presentation at Wesley Legacy Centre, Kuala Lumpur, 23 January 2017.

8. “Engaging Religious Diversity in our Midst”, Presentation at Methodist Chinese Annual Conference Youth and Young Adult Camp, Port Dickson, 2 September 2016.

7. “Muslim Responses to Islamization in Malaysia: A Christian perspective”, Presentation at the Methodist Chinese Annual Conference Youth and Young Adult Cam, Port Dickson, 1 September 2016.

6. “Malcolm and Martin: What They Can Teach Us About Faith-Driven Social Change”, Panelist at Forum organized by Muslim NGO UNRIBA entitled at University Malaya, 30 July 2016.

5. “Building Bridges with Muslims in Malaysia”, Presentation at the Kairos Dialogue Network Conference at Kuching, 7 July 2016.

4. “Interreligious Relations and Social Transformation”: Respondent at Dr Chawkat Moucarry at the Institute of World Religion-World Vision Evening Lecture at Bangsar Lutheran Church, 6–7 May 2016.

3. “Interreligious work in Malaysia” under the course entitled “Islamic Social and Political Movements in Southeast Asia”, Recorded Zoom video interview for a Georgetown University Class, USA on 18 April 2016.

2. “What’s Next after Bersih 4?” Presentation at Forum organized by Malaysian Christians for Justice, Cheras 18 October 2015.

1. “All Human Beings Born Free and Equal: Living Together as Malaysians” (Non-Muslim Perspective), Presentation at Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Klang Valley Roadshow, 23 January 2010.

Conference participation

6. Resource person for Malaysian Education Ministry Lab organized by PADU at Putrajaya, 27–29 August 2018.

5. “Takfiri Extremists and Creating Divisions in the Muslim World” , Participant in One day scientific seminar jointly Asia West East Center (Asia WE), Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM) in collaboration with Sekretariat Himpunan Ulama Asia (SHURA) and Middle East Research Group University Malaya at UM, 24 July 2018.

4. “A World of Inequalities” ,Participant in Building Bridges Seminar organized by Georgetown University at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 18–23 June 2018.

3. Edinburgh 2010 Study Process for ASEAN and Sri Lanka “Mission as Reconciliation in Pluralistic Contexts”, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (Malaysia Theological Seminary), Seremban, Malaysia. 8–11 June 2009

2. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria International Summer School, Neuendettelsau, Germany. 12 July — 2 Aug 2004

1. Christian Conference of Asia Workshop on “Reading the Bible Through Asian Eyes”, Nanjing Theological Seminary, Nanjing, China. 1995 (11 days)



Sivin Kit
Sivin Kit

Written by Sivin Kit

Life Adventurer, Christian Theologian, Transformation Catalyst, Transmodern Malaysian, and Hopetimist

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